Saturday, May 26, 2012
A Letter Worth Reading..
Saturday, May 26, 2012 by Unknown
A Letter Worth Reading..
A young reader got her
marriage fixed. Her “to be” husband , is in the US. She came to know
that although the boy is religious, he recently got a credit card, as
he was told that credit card is not haram in US. The following letter
is a case study that reflects the components of an Islamic argument. It
has an emotional appeal with a firm stand, an intellectual appeal with
a convincing reason and finally a Qur'anic reminder with a result..yes
he dropped the plan of using a credit card....This is the note I will
demand from all my readers to click 'like' because it is not written by
Assalamualiakum ................... ,
looked into the matter regarding use of credit cards. Firstly,There is
no difference of opinion regarding taking loans (ribaa based) and
credit cards. They all say it’s haraam. It deals with riba. If it was
some minor thing, I really wouldn’t care. But it is a major sin, and the
punishment clearly states that it is war against Allah and His
messenger. And another narration mentions- swimming in a pool of blood .
Would the prophet (saw) just say this for nothing? And I can’t live my
life thinking about the fact that we're living like that and heading
towards a dreadful Akhira !
I dont want us to live
displeasing Allah. If we disobey Him, we can never be confident of our
duaas being answered. There will be some trial or the other in our life.
There won’t be serenity. Things will either be complicated in life or
calamities, some or the other issue will come up etc. We cannot look at
others & say that nothing went wrong in their life, they did it.
Cause people won’t share their personal crisis with others. Only they
&Allah know about it.
Whereas if you strive to
please Allah, you will never regret. He will get you out of every
calamity. At the end of it, it is only the true believers who live a
peaceful blissful life because of their obedience to Allah. Trust me on
that. Nothing is more important than the pleasure of Allah. And if you
want a beautiful life, without calamities, it is only through complete
submission. Only then will things get facilitated for you.
There are people who don’t have homes, food, clothing...and here we're
thinking of big homes and cars etc ...(this may sound cheesy & all
but just think about it- Allah can take away these blessings anytime.
Health, wealth, family, it’s all in His hands ) People did live without
credit cards a few years back right? Allah has blessed us with so much
already, just lets be content with whatever He provides in the halaal
way. There are people who when they get into haraam, then Allah reminds
them by testing them with their health, wealth, some or the other
And you want your Porsche na? I'll make duaa
for that, a few years later, Inshallah and see how you will get it...
Just trust Allah and live HALAAL. My duaas are enough , you dont need
credit cards and loans for that. Nothing can be more powerful than
duaas. That is when true tawakkul comes into action. And those who have
that , Allah answers only their duaas.
I don’t even
know how much I have typed. Just went with the flow and poured out
what’s in my heart in favour of shariah and worried about our
Hereafter . Atleast as of now, dont use your credit card please. I dont
want you to use it. Neither for me, nor for yourself. We dont need it
now. Hope you understand. I care for you, thats why Im saying all this
to you.
I know its difficult in the US to live like
that, but then Allah says that if you cannot practice your deen, then
migrate- Allah's earth is spacious! That’s why concerned people leave US
so that they dont jeopardize their duniya and aakhira. You wont realize
it now when I am saying it, but then whats the point in realizing after
the damage is done?
What’s the point if we have a
home & cars based on loans involved in ribaa and no barakaah in our
lives? Its a serious matter. Please dont take it lightly. Wont you just
be happy if you have a wife, and good kids with food on your plate and
a roof above your head? There are people who have big homes, cars etc.
but no family, marital issues, no kids.. or some other prob. This is
because they dont obey Allah, so Allah snatches the barakah from their
lives. You get the point? Or then On the outside it may look all cool,
but there’s no peace of mind on the inside! What’s the point then? And
some Allah grants them leave here in the duniya and they will pay for it
in the hereafter!
Finally dont forget , that Ribaa is
worse than alcohol and adultery. Allah (swt) has declared WAR. And when
Allah declares war, 'Peace & Happiness' are the first casualties.
Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala

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