Monday, February 20, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012 by Unknown
[warning : a half nacked girl pic is included in this article,if u have any alternate pic.pls share with me,i will change it.i copied from another blog]
On my wall, I have a picture of a Muslim woman shrouded in a burka.
Beside it is a picture of an American beauty contestant, wearing nothing but a bikini. One woman is totally hidden from the public; the other is totally exposed. These two extremes say a great deal about the clash of so-called "civilizations."
The role of woman is at the heart of any culture. Apart from stealing Arab oil, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are about stripping Muslims of their religion and culture, exchanging the burka for a bikini. Breaking up the family unit as they have so successfully managed to accomplish in Europe and North America is an important part of bringing the civilization under Communist rule in which the State is parent to the child.
I am not an expert on the condition of Muslim women and I love feminine beauty too much to advocate the burka here. But I am defending some of the values that the burka and modesty covering such as the hajib represent for me.
Does this woman exhibit the pride, elegance or confidence
shown by the other women in these photos?
As a friend just suggested, her pose is reminiscent
of that of a trained seal!
As a friend just suggested, her pose is reminiscent
of that of a trained seal!
To me, these coverings represent a woman's consecration to her husband and family. Only they see her. It affirms the privacy, exclusivity and importance of the domestic sphere.
The Muslim woman's focus is her home, the "nest" where her children are born and reared. She is the "home" maker, the taproot that sustains the spiritual life of the family, nurturing and training her children, providing refuge and support to her husband.
In contrast, the almost naked Western beauty queen struts in front of millions on TV. A feminist, she belongs to herself. In practice, paradoxically, she is public property. She belongs to no one and everyone. She shops her body to the highest bidder. She is auctioning herself all of the time.
Modern Islamic wedding wear.
In America, the cultural measure of a woman's value is her sex appeal. (As this asset depreciates quickly, she is neurotically obsessed with appearance and plagued by weight problems.)
Doesn't Britney Spears have the loveliest eyes? Yes, this is she.
As an adolescent, her role model is Britney Spears, a singer whose act approximates a strip tease. From Britney, a child learns that she will be loved only if she gives sex. Thus, she learns to "hook up" furtively rather than to demand patient courtship, love and marriage. As a result, dozens of males know her before her husband does. She loses her innocence, which is a part of her charm. She becomes hardened and calculating.
The feminine personality is founded on the emotional relationship between mother and baby. It is based on nurturing and self-sacrifice. Masculine nature is founded on the relationship between hunter and prey. It is based on aggression and reason.
The feminine personality is founded on the emotional relationship between mother and baby. It is based on nurturing and self-sacrifice. Masculine nature is founded on the relationship between hunter and prey. It is based on aggression and reason.
Feminism deceives women to believe femininity has resulted in "oppression" and they should adopt male behavior instead. The result: a confused and aggressive woman with a large chip on her shoulder, unfit to become a wife or mother.
This is the goal of the NWO social engineers: undermine sexual identity and destroy the family, create social and personal dysfunction, and reduce population. In the "brave new world," women are not supposed to be mothers and progenitors of the race. They are meant to be neutered, autonomous sex objects.
Liberating women is often given as an excuse for the war in Afghanistan. Liberating them to what? To be Britney Spears? To low-rise "see-my-thong" pants? To the mutual masturbation that passes for sexuality in America? If they really cared about women, maybe they'd end the war.
But then, any excuse for aggression to steal from indigenous people whatever they wish, in this case the products of the poppy and a vital oil pipeline to the ocean. We all know the liberation of women means nothing, or less than nothing, to these individuals.
Parenthood is the pinnacle of human development. It is the stage when we finally graduate from self-indulgence and become God's surrogates: creating and nurturing new life. The New World Order does not want us to reach this level of maturity. Pornography is the substitute for marriage. We are to remain single: stunted, sex-starved and self-obsessed.
Women will give birth and within a very short time the care and training of the child will be handed over to the state through nannies, daycares, etc. Over the years all parental tools have been weakened and with the dissolution of families, young couples are gullible to the wiles of state and medicine, their power stolen from them without them even aware of it so trained are they to accept the dictates of the medical profession.
We are not meant to have a permanent "private" life. We are meant to remain lonely and isolated, in a state of perpetual courtship, dependent on consumer products for our identity.
This is especially destructive for woman. Her sexual attraction is a function of her fertility. As fertility declines, so does her sex appeal. If a woman devotes her prime years to becoming "independent," she is not likely to find a permanent mate. However, that problem is being handled through the emasculation of the male through drugs and social manipulation and the politically correct protected promotion of alternative lifestyles.
Her long-term personal fulfillment and happiness lies in making marriage and family her first priority.
Feminism is another cruel New World Order hoax that has debauched American women and despoiled Western civilization. It has ruined millions of lives and represents a lethal threat to Islam.
I am not advocating the burka but rather some of the values that it represents, specifically a woman's consecration to her future husband and family, and the modesty and dignity this entails.
Among almost all Muslims today, there has been a huge change. Couples are couples and the polygamous faction has faded to a great degree. This, too, is a shame because it robs the poorer members of society, widows, etc of a place to live and leaves more of them in the dire position of poverty. The original reason for taking multiple wives was originally to accommodate the needs of such women.
Today in the more modern cities and areas of the Middle East, polygamy, while not a thing of the past, is no longer the norm. Also the cost of living has made it harder for a man to support more than one household since every wife is to be treated equally to the other in everything from time spent with each to the accommodations supplied.
The media portrays Muslim women wearing a hijab as weak, with scared eyes. Always with a black hijab, eyes pleading for help from the western readers. Never once have I've seen a picture in a Norwegian newspaper of a smiling Muslim woman wearing a colorful hijab.
Like the ones I do see every day. They are beautiful, some are simply stunning. I bought my own hijab last year because I think it looks so pretty. I have not worn it in public, but I've made numerous promises both online and in RL that I will wear the hijab, a burka or a niqab if a ban ever is to be implemented. And the police, politicians, feminists and racists would have a very hard time explaining why I, a liberated western woman wearing this garment of my own free will, was fined for being out in public. A very hard time indeed.
We in the west have a lot to learn about respect. And far too many of us need to learn that today integration has a meaning similar to assimilation.The women's liberation movement, the french revolution, the black power movement all led to the rights we in the west have today.
The burka and the bikini represent two extremes. The answer lies somewhere in the middle.
IA head covering on a Muslim is a political statement but it is not when on a Christian nun’s head. ~ Riem Spielhaus, Humbolt University
[copied from another blog]

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